Took me a sweet long time but here's the much better version of anime.fm that I've had in my mind for a few months. Granted it's still not 100% to what I want and after some feedback from other developers, much more is to come ^_^ Here's a run-down of what is new, and of course, what is planned:
- Overall layout change
- far less ads (no need for ads cluttering the page)
- blog post share tools like digg, facebook, twitter, etc (as on the Chuck's Anime Shrine blog)
- added the anime.fm gadget to the design for less clutter and ease of use
- a Hulu.com plugin with 30 watchable anime/game related series. You can watch full episodes (legally) from many anime series like Naruto Shippuden, One Piece, Astro Boy, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, etc. (sorry non-US viewers but as you might know, Hulu.com isn't viewable for you :-(, any legal way to stream anime episodes, I'll be sure to add it.
- Better summaries of my site Chuck's Anime Shrine and of course Dannychoo.com than the old yahoo pipes version that was on here
- A feed that ties right into my store for you to buy true licensed anime figures, DVD and music
- fix the rss parser to not show the newest post on this page (oops ^^;;)
- Will add content to that J-pop News section you might see here, as well as use that space for artist to advertise their music, and/or for lists of CDs to buy to also support artists.
- Pages themed and based on different genres of music we anime fans like
- a section dedicated to AMVs
- a section dedicated to legal streaming anime from Hulu and anywhere else that is legal and in support of the anime industry. (Sorry, no illegal fan dubbing streams, gotta keep the people who create the content in business)
- a login section either tied in to google or direct to this site
- ...and possibly a member's section for you guys to post blog posts as well.
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